Wednesday, November 14, 2012

brackets on the erupting tooth

If you have been following my blog posts on my dental makeover that has been going on for about eight months now, nearly about 4 months ago i mentioned that my hidden permanent tooth has been attached to the archwires and are now in the process of being pulled down. A noticeable progress have been made so far and the tooth almost more than a quarter portion down already.

In the post about my hidden tooth being pulled down, i mentioned some rubbery-band was put on it instead of the typical dental brackets due to lack of visible space on the hidden tooth. Well now the tooth has come down a fair amount of length for which the brackets can now be tried on.
see that little guy coming down from the upper jaw?

photo taken: 3rd July 2012

photo taken: 19th November 2012

Disclaimer: If anyone is disgusted by these pictures, please press Ctrl+W (or Command+W on Mac)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blind faith? Or educated disbelief?

 I have seen people who say to live happily and peacefully we need a college degree from a good reputed university that can publish this many researches and this many books. They say having a college degree from such an intellectually sound institution will give you peace because, then, you will be able to take EDUCATED decisions.... you don't need theistic beliefs to achieve peace.... you don't need to blindly follow the rules stated by God (someone whom you have never even seen).

Do they realize that the intellect of even the ENTIRE human race (living or dead) would not be a match against Allah's wisdom? I am not saying this blindly to say that Allah is more knowledgeable than anyone or anything. I am saying this because there are FACTS to backup my belief.

There are SEVERAL extra-ordinary things which are being discovered today. But they were already declared hundreds of years ago......... by who? By someone who researched and wrote and published an intellectually curated book? Or by someone who ACTUALLY knows about EVERYTHING till the end of the world? There were no microscopes back then. There were no microchips back then. And today, we can't do a single research without any of this.

EVEN AFTER that kind of far fetched wisdom, if people STILL question Allah's wisdom (not to learn about it but to challenge his wisdom), I can only pray for Allah to guide them.


I, in no way, mean anything against education.