Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preferred IDEs for various programming languages

so............ over the last one month i had been trying out several IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) for different kinds of programming.... and here is what i figure out to be the best IDEs for the various programming languages. My judgement is based on:
  • quickness of code-completion suggestions, 
  • quick search through Docs, 
  • ease of program execution and deployment
  • ease of handling GUI (graphical user interface)
  • ease of installation of plugins or add-ons
Programming LanguagePreferred IDE
        Java        PHP
Net Beans
Adobe AIR

Disclaimer: All logos and icons used in this blog post are registered contents of the respective projects and/or organizations

Friday, September 17, 2010

Problem with displaying joomla correctly on XAMPP in Linux

i have used Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.
i had used the default full installation of XAMPP for Linux 1.7.3a.

i had coded PHP applications for quite awhile and everything worked great....... but when i installed Joomla - a leading Content Management System on PHP - on my localhost, i got some gibberish nonsense like this...... full of this error and that error
i searched the net for answers but found no source helpful...... that's why putting the solution to this problem up on my blog.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Removing the 'index.php' from the URL of a codeigniter site

UPDATE (9th May 2015): at the time of writing this article, codeigniter was on version 1.7 I guess. Now, in codeigniter version 2.2.2, the official documentation of Codeigniter shows how to achieve this goal very easily. You can refer to the "Removing the index.php file" section in http://www.codeigniter.com/userguide2/general/urls.html page.

By default, the index.php file will be included in your URLs:

You can easily remove this index.php from displaying in the url by using a .htaccess file in your 'codeigniter' root folder and make it look like: example.com/news/article/my_article

Notice the absence of anything infront of the (.) dot in the filename of .htaccess file

Here is an example of such a .htaccess file.